EXPO 2019/20 - Awards
People’s Prize
Poster No.: P37
Title: The Video Conference System Facilitates Synchronous Teaching and Learning in Anatomy Education
Presenter(s)/ Author(s): Dr. Florence Mei Kuen TANG, Dr. Wai Kai WONG, Dr. Olivia Miu Yung NGAN, Mr. Ray Mau Fung LEE, Mr. Jack Kwan Ho LAI, Mr. Fredrick Wai To CHOI, Ms Yanny Wing Yan WONG and Mr. Justin Chak Ting CHEUNG
Poster Awards - Poster from CUHK
Poster No.: P34
Title: DeepMind and Beyond: Using Machine Learning to Teach an Artificial Intelligence Anatomy for Medical Education
Presenter(s)/ Author(s): Dr. Christopher SEE, Mr. Yalsin Yik Sum LI, Ms. Cynthia Sin Nga LAM, Dr. Sam Hong Kit POON, Dr. Maria Sen Mun WAI, Dr. Josephine Wing Sze LAU, Prof. Lap Ki CHAN and Prof. Hector Sun On CHAN
Remarks from Judges of the Poster Award:
The smart chat-bot provides valuable hints and answers to students for self-learning.
There is a high potential of development with the database of smart chat-bot grows.
Poster Awards - Poster from CUHK
Poster No.: P35
Title: Flipped Online Laboratory for Making Students’ First Robot
Presenter(s)/ Author(s): Dr. Dongkun HAN and Mr. Martin Yun-yee LEUNG
Remarks from Judges of the Poster Award:
Remotely controlled robotic arms can facilitate laboratory education in distance learning.
The remote lab can handle some procedural and repetitive skills training, and when face-to-face teaching is allowed, more time can be used for more complicated experiment for advanced practical skills learning.
Poster Awards - Poster from CUHK
Poster No.: P47
Title: Use of VR Technology to Enhance Students’ Understanding of Residents Living in Subdivided Units
Presenter(s)/ Author(s): Prof. Timothy Yuk Ki LEUNG, Mr. Kon Chi WONG, Mr. Eddie Chi Fai KWOK, Mr. Kei NGAI and Mr. Siu Ming CHAN
Remarks from Judges of the Poster Award:
It is meaningful to use VR to help students to immerse in the environment and to arouse their affection to understand and empathize with the residents living in the subdivided unit.
Poster Awards - Poster from CUHK
Poster No.: P60
Title: Learning Chemistry via “Science Mobile”
Presenter(s)/ Author(s): Dr. Kendrew Kin Wah MAK, Prof. Fuk Yee KWONG, Dr. Wing Fat CHAN and Dr. Yu San CHEUNG
Remarks from Judges of the Poster Award:
We see continuous development of platform which now provides high potential of usage in different disciplines and make an impact on society.
Poster: https://cuhkexpo201920.sched.com/event/dHFU/p60-learning-chemistry-via-science-mobile
Poster Awards - Poster from Sister Universities
Poster No.: U06
Title: Case Teaching and Learning for Social Science and Public Policy
Presenter(s)/ Author(s): Prof. James K. WONG, Ms. Vivien PONG and Ms. Joanna YU
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Remarks from Judges of the Poster Award:
An impressive idea of developing new local cases teaching in public policy and social science, as experiential learning is essential.
Poster Awards - Poster from Sister Universities
Poster No.: U07
Title: Developing the "Reacting to the Past" Teaching Methodology at Lingnan and in Asia
Presenter(s)/ Author(s): Prof. Grace Ai-ling CHOU, Prof. Diana Lucy LEMBERG and Prof. Niccolò PIANCIOLA
Lingnan University
Remarks from Judges of the Poster Award:
Innovative pedagogy applied in a meaningful context with high demonstrated results. The strategy is aligned with the higher-order learning outcomes.
Role-play motivates students to share their views.
Poster Awards - Poster from Sister Universities
Poster No.: U08
Title: Flipped Learning: Virtual Reality for Gateway Education Course
Presenter(s)/ Author(s): Dr. Bing Lam LUK, Dr. Crusher WONG, Ms. Angel LU and Ms. Kayla LAM
City University of Hong Kong
Remarks from Judges of the Poster Award:
The use of VR is integrated in the course design with associated activities in and outside classrooms. High quality development with impressive resources being built.
Poster Commendation - Poster from CUHK
Poster No.: P04
Title: Micro-Modules Courseware Development for LING 2303 Sign Languages Studies
Presenter(s)/ Author(s): Prof. Gladys Wai-lan TANG, Mr. Ka Yiu CHENG, Mr. Aaron WONG, Ms. Brenda YU, Mr. Pippen WONG and Ms. Connie LO
Remarks from Judges of the Poster Award:
It targets at serving the disadvantaged groups, which is a very meaningful cause much needed.
Poster Commendation - Poster from CUHK
Poster No.: P14
Title: Flipped Classroom in Higher Education: Benefits, Challenges, and Teaching Strategies
Presenter(s)/ Author(s): Prof. Paul LAM, Mr. Alan TSE, Dr. Hilary NG and Ms. Carmen LAU
Remarks from Judges of the Poster Award:
It covers the views of a number of teachers in various universities.
It investigates the challenges and benefits of implementing the flipped classroom approach from the perspective of teachers and have the potential to lead to pedagogical advice.
Poster Commendation - Poster from CUHK
Poster No.: P28
Title: E-management of Critically Sick General Surgical Patients
Presenter(s)/ Author(s): Prof. Kaori FUTABA, Dr. Kristy PT FUNG, Dr. Kitty AU YEUNG, Dr. Ruby LAU, Dr. Sunny CHEUNG, Dr. Patricia YIH, Prof. Tony WC MAK, Prof. Simon SM NG, Prof. Enders KW Ng, Prof. BS LAI and
Prof. James YW LAU
Remarks from Judges of the Poster Award:
It effectively makes use of real-life scenarios to train medical students' decision making.
The interactive cases are built with high level of sophistication with different feedback associated with different choices the students make.
Poster Commendation - Poster from CUHK
Poster No.: P30
Title: Online Assessment Strategies: Insights from Recent Studies
Presenter(s)/ Author(s): Dr. Molly P.M. WONG and Dr. Florence M.K. TANG
Remarks from Judges of the Poster Award:
A great deal of effort has been paid to evaluate various online assessment methods with a focus on ensuring academic integrity.
It serves as very good references.
Poster Commendation - Poster from CUHK
Poster No.: P32
Title: Learning Fungal and Plant Biology via “Science Mobile”
Presenter(s)/ Author(s): Dr. Cheung-Ming CHOW, Mr. Siu-Kwan WONG and Ms. Ka-Man Carmen CHENG
Remarks from Judges of the Poster Award:
The project provides rich learning resources that have high visual impact.
It arouses students' interest in participating in lab courses.
Poster: https://cuhkexpo201920.sched.com/event/dHDn/p32-learning-fungal-and-plant-biology-via-science-mobile
Poster Commendation - Poster from CUHK
Poster No.: P59
Title: Learning Medical Abbreviations on Instagram
Presenter(s)/ Author(s): Prof. Vivian Wing Yan LEE, Mr. Enoch E Nok NG, Ms. Catherine Lok YIU, Ms. Artemis Wing Tung CHAN and Ms. Ivy Tsz Yan TSANG
Remarks from Judges of the Poster Award:
The project enhances students' learning by engaging them in explaining medical abbreviations and sharing them on the social media platform.
Learning through active learning.
Poster: https://cuhkexpo201920.sched.com/event/dHFR/p59-learning-medical-abbreviations-on-instagram
Poster Commendation - Poster from Sister Universities
Poster No.: U05
Title: Learning to Learn: Preparing Students for a Rapidly Changing World
Presenter(s)/ Author(s): Ms. Kevinia CHEUNG
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Remarks from Judges of the Poster Award:
The project is scaled to have impact on many students across many disciplines.
It is structured in planning and implementation.
Poster Commendation - Poster from Sister Universities
Poster No.: U10
Title: Pedagogical Use of Bilingual Text-Mining
Presenter(s)/ Author(s): Prof. Siu Cheung KONG, Dr. Linda Wai Ying KWOK, Dr. Chun Wing POON, Mr. Dillan Guanghe CHEN and Mr. Chenglong MA
The Education University of Hong Kong
Remarks from Judges of the Poster Award:
It is innovative to use the technology as a pedagogical tool.
It has high potential in teaching and learning as the empirical analysis of students’ work and learning experiences can lead to pedagogical implications.
Poster: https://cuhkexpo201920.sched.com/event/dHF0/u10-pedagogical-use-of-bilingual-text-mining