EXPO 2021 - Application for Presentation/ Exhibition (Closed)
We are now inviting teachers in all disciplines from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) to apply for presentation. There will be two types of presentation formats: 1) Oral Presentations (Talks in Theme Sessions); and 2) Digital Poster Exhibition. All ideas and practices ranging from the course to the institutional level, regardless of whether technology is involved or not, are welcome. The following are some suggested topics or themes.
Adapting and Implementing the New Normal for Education
Curriculum Designs and Enhancements
Pedagogical Changes for Learning Advancement (e.g. Online/Hybrid Learning, Active Learning, Flipped Learning, Authentic Learning, etc.)
Application/Innovation of Educational Technologies (e.g. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality)
Platforms/Tools/Apps and Services for Education
MOOC/Courseware/Micro-module Developments
Assessment and Evaluation in Education
Big Data and Learning Analytics
Student as Partners/Students’ Capabilities Enhancements and Development
Specific Situation and Needs for Inclusive Education
Training and Professional Development for Staff
Other Topics Related to Teaching and Learning
Presentation Formats
Application Methods
Method 1: Submit your application online through an abstract submission system
Method 2: Complete an abstract submission form (MS Word format) and email it to expo@cuhk.edu.hk
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Length: The abstract's length should be within 150 - 250 words.
Language: Abstract submitted for presentation should be in English.
The abstracts will be reviewed by the Organising Committee of the Expo. Relevance to the themes and topics of the Expo and the originality of the approach adopted or suggested are our major considerations.
All accepted abstracts, short papers, e-posters and introduction videos will be housed in the Expo website.*
Important Dates
June 15, 2021
Extended abstract submission deadline
By June 18, 2021
Notification of abstract acceptance / rejection
June 27, 2021
Submission deadline of e-poster, short introduction video (optional for Talk) and short paper (optional)
By July 20, 2021
Notification of Poster Awards shortlisted results
July 26 to 30, 2021
Event period
(Talks in Theme Sessions and Interactive Session for Digital Poster Exhibition will fall between 28 and 30 July 2021. Presenters/Authors of posters shortlisted for Poster Awards are required to attend the Poster Awards Q&A Session which is tentatively scheduled on 26 July or 27 July 2021.)
Poster authors/presenters for Digital Poster Exhibition are required to submit i) an e-poster, and ii) a 3-minute (max.) short introduction video, to the organising committee to provide basic information about their work. Both the e-poster and the video will be made available to the public BEFORE the event day to facilitate more in-depth discussions and exchanges during the interactive session.
It is optional for talk presenters to submit a 3-minute (max.) short introduction video.
Successful applicants can choose whether to submit a short paper of their abstract(s) or not. If yes, prepare it in English and as word file (.doc or .docx) with the following format:
Page Limit: 4-7 pages including diagrams and references (single-line spacing and in normal margin)
Font & Size: Times New Roman (12 font size)