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Keynote Addresses
Speaker: Prof Raymond Kai-yu TONG, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Speaker: Prof Keith Kin Wai CHAN, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Themed Parallel Sessions
(Oral Presentations)
Breakout 1: 14:45 to 16:00
(Submission 007) German Culture and Language Learning in the Metaverse
(Submission EDU04) Drama Education in the Metaverse at Teacher Education Programmes

Parallel session titled 'Immersive Technologies'
YIA 502, Yasumoto International Academic Park
Session Moderator
Ms Judy LO, Academic Support Service,
Information Technology Services Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Parallel session titled 'Virtual Teaching and Learning'
YIA 504, Yasumoto International Academic Park
Session Moderator
Dr Frankie WONG, Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Parallel Session Titled 'Experiential and Personalised Learning'
YIA 506, Yasumoto International Academic Park
Session Moderators
Dr Edwin LO, Dr Andy NG and Dr Helen MA, Office of University General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Parallel Session Titled 'Inclusive Education and Social Responsibilities'
YIA 508, Yasumoto International Academic Park
Session moderator
Professor Suzanne LO, The Nethersole School of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
(No Material Avaliable - Submission 022) Let the Smile Be the Enhancement Factor: A Systematised Humour Pedagogical Approach to Consistently Enhance Teaching and Learning
(No Material Avaliable - Submission 027) A Disability Simulation Intervention Raises Disability Awareness among Secondary School and University Students
(Submission 067) The Impact of Universal Design Learning (UDL) Model on Inclusive Education at CUHK
(Submission 068) Academic Advising Support for Teachers at CUHK
Breakout 2: 16:15 to 17:45

Parallel session titled 'Digital Technologies and Artificial intelligence'
YIA 502, Yasumoto International Academic Park
Session Moderator
Dr Christoper SEE, School of Biomedical Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
(Submission 040) ChatGPTeacher Readiness: A Review of the Literature
(No Material Avaliable - Submission 037) Harnessing Generative AI To Enhance Teaching
(Submission 016) Use of Generative AI Tools in Large Lectures: Pedagogical Application
- (Submission 001) How Should We Teach Digital Technology and Law?
- (Submission 045) Revolutionizing Education: Harnessing AI Tools for Language Teaching and Beyond

Parallel session titled 'Alternative Teaching Methods and Flipped Learning'
YIA 504, Yasumoto International Academic Park
Session Moderator
Dr Paul CORRIGAN, Talent and Education Development Office, City University of Hong Kong
(Submission 005) Gamifying Music Theory: A Flipped Classroom Approach to Advanced Harmony
- (Submission CITYU01) Becoming a Fiction Writer: Present, Practice, Critique
- (Submission 003) Teaching Speech-Melody Relationships in Cantopop from a Non-native Speaker’s Perspective
- (Submission 039) From Celebrity Tutor to University Lecturer: An Insider’s Reflection

Parallel session titled 'Active and Collaborative Learning'
YIA 506, Yasumoto International Academic Park
Session Moderator
Ms Vienne LIN, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
(Submission 024) Co-Design of Interprofessional Team-based Simulation Training with Students
(Submission 065) Design Thinking for Prototyping, Automation, and Sustainable Material Use
(Submission 064) "Learning by Doing" Strategy Used in Teaching UGFN1000 in Dialogue with Nature
(Submission 043) Student-Developed Shiny Applications for Teaching General Mathematics
(Submission 031) Re-Introducing Active Learning to the Classroom

Parallel session titled 'Students as Partners'
YIA 508, Yasumoto International Academic Park
Session Moderator
Dr Isabel HWANG, School of Biomedical Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
(Submission 032) Students as Partners in Language Education: Cantonese Education at CUHK
- (Submission 029) Dignity Dining Workshops: An Innovative, Interactive and Effective Way to Enhance Medical Students’ Awareness of Elderly Care
- (Submission 063) Insights from Peer Leaders: Comparing Classroom Climate in Online and Face-to-Face Peer-Led Learning Environments
- (Submission 048) Advancing Sustainability Education at CUHK and beyond via General Education and Cross-sector Synergy
- (Submission 049) Evaluation of the SDG Study Scheme at CUHK: A Mixed-Method Study