Poster Presentation Guidelines
The interactive ooster presentation sessions will be held in person on 5 December 2023 in the CUHK campus. This 90-minute session to be held from 12:30 to 14:00 on the day.
Venue: G/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong SAR
A poster is a display illustrating a project or a theory. An interactive session on the posters exhibited is one of the best ways to disseminate your work, and have more in-depth discussions with participants and like-minded colleagues. Each participant of the Expo will also be given one vote to vote for their favourite poster. The poster that receives the most votes will be awarded the People’s Prize.
Author(s) of each accepted poster abstract is required to:
(i) submit a poster of 90 cm (width) X 140 cm (height) in JPEG or PDF format on or before 23 November 2023. Save the print file without bleed marks.
(ii) participate in the in person poster sessions scheduled on 5 December 2023, in which you will meet participants and answer their questions about your poster.
If authors of poster presentations choose to participate Expo 2023 Poster Awards, please note the following information:
Expo 2023 Poster Awards Competition
To participate in the competition, applicants should indicate their wish and select an award category that best fits their work when submitting abstracts to the Expo 2023:
Educational Technology Innovation: projects that best illustrate innovative use of technology for teaching and learning.
Pedagogical Innovation: projects that best illustrate the use of innovative pedagogy, involving technology or not.
Educational Impact: projects that best demonstrate the impact on teaching and learning (e.g., impact on student achievement and academic performance, etc.)
The softcopy of the poster design should be submitted to the working team on or before 01 November 2023.
Shortlisted candidates will be notified by 15 November 2023 and will be invited to attend:
the Poster Awards Presentation Ceremony is scheduled on 5 December 2023, form 2:00 PM to 2:30 PM. -
the Poster Awards Screening Q&A Session (likely to be held online in late November 2023) to meet with the judging panel and elaborate further on their work
An award will be given to the poster that best addresses the innovative projects/ strategies for teaching and learning in various aspects. The results will be announced in the Poster Awards Presentation Ceremony and on the event website.
Our Support for Authors (Poster Presentation)
Free poster printing.
Set up poster in the physical venue.
One classroom desk (approx. 45cm (D) x 60cm (W) x 74cm (H)) will also be provided for each exhibited poster. If you need extra desk(s) and/or special arrangements, contact the working team in advance when confirming the authors/presenters' attendance at the event.
Eco-Friendly Arrangement
All posters are printed using environmentally friendly paper materials and inks that are PVC-free and recyclable.
Timeline for Authors (Poster Presentation)
12 October 2023
Early Acceptance Notification (Abstracts that are submitted on or before 09 October 2023)
24 October 2023
Abstract Submission Deadline
by 26 October 2023
Notification of Abstract Acceptance/Rejection
01 November 2023
Submission of Poster Soft Copy for Expo 2023 Poster Awards
(If authors of poster presentations choose to participate in the Expo 2023 Poster Awards)
15 November 2023
Expo 2023 Poster Awards - Shortlist Notification
(Authors of shortlisted applications will receive an email notification by 15 November 2023.)
23 November 2023
Deadline for Submitting the Finalised Soft Copy Poster
(Applicable to ALL authors of poster presentations)
- End of Novmeber 2023
Shortlisted candidates for the poster awards will be invited to attend an online Q&A session, to meet with the judging panel and elaborate further on their work
- 05 December 2023
Date of Event
All poster and oral presentations will be held on the afternoon of 05 December 2023. In addition, the Poster Awards Presentation Ceremony is scheduled on 5 December 2023, 2:00 PM to 2:30 PM.
Notes on Preparing Poster Presentation
1. Designing a poster
Submit a poster of 90 cm (width) X 140 cm (height) in JPEG(.jpg) or PDF(.pdf) format. Save the print file without bleed marks.
Colour specification: CMYK (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-blacK) colour model.
Make sure the abstract title, name of the author(s) and affiliation on the poster.
Using columns is a good idea. Consider arranging the content of your poster in a number of columns, beginning at the left-hand side of the board.
A brief introduction, clear explanation of the project/ teaching and learning strategy, and evaluation results (if available) should be clearly displayed on the poster.
Focus on a few main points using clear and sufficient graphics.
Consider using outlines or dot points for the poster presentation.
Use a clear and readable font size.
Please confirm the images that you provided are high enough in resolution and do not contain any copyright infringement materials.
If the project is funded by a university/ external grant (e.g. UGC, TDLEG, CDG), we suggest including an acknowledgement of the source of the funding on the poster.
More poster design examples are avaliable at our previous event archives:

2. Submitting poster for your presentation
Upload the soft copy of poster to cloud storage platform, e.g., Office 365 OneDrive, Google Drive, and submit the shareable link to the working team by 23 November 2023 (for those authors who will NOT participate in the poster awards). An online form for poster submission will be provided to authors and presenters of accepted abstracts later.
The submission file should be named with submission ID and the name of first author.
3. In-person poster presentation
You are earnestly requested to attend to your poster and/ or demonstration stations during the poster presentation session on 5 December 2023. The main purpose is to explain and demonstrate your teaching and learning project, development or project to any interested parties and answer queries. This is a good way to find new collaborators.
If you are not available to attend the poster presentation on the day, you can assign your colleague(s) to facilitate the session for you. In this case, you are encouraged to inform the event team about the arrangements as soon as possible. Make sure that the representative(s) knows about the arrangements of poster session.
If you are planning to request an extra area to set up live demo, e.g., VR/AR, installation/device(s) could not be placed on classroom desk, contact the working team by the end of October 2023 for further arrangements.